Narayani Guest House owner Vijay Kumar allegedly fired two rounds in the air as employees began the demolition drive in the Dharampur area. Police officials told news agencies that a stray bullet hit Shailbala Sharma, the assistant town and country planner, killing her on the spot. Labourer Gulab Singh also received a gunshot injury in his abdomen.
Officials said that the accused subsequently fled from the scene and a manhunt was launched to nab him.
Here are the top developments around the killing of the woman town and country planner in Kasauli:
1) SC takes sou motu cognisance of the Kasauli incident: The Supreme Court on Wednesday on its own took cognisance of the firing incident in Kasauli where a woman government official was shot dead allegedly by a hotel owner over the demolition of an illegal structure. A Bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta termed the incident as extremely serious and noted that the government officials had gone there to comply with the court's direction to seal unauthorised constructions.
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