Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus is set to unveil its next flagship smartphone soon. In a tweet, the company has confirmed that the upcoming mid-tier smartphone would be called the OnePlus 6. In a way, the company has also confirmed that the phone would be launched soon.
In terms of features and specifications, nothing has been officially confirmed about the OnePlus 6, except that it would have a notch-based screen, something that was confirmed by OnePlus CEO and co-founder Carl Pei in an interview with online technology portal The Verge.
Based on Pei’s interview with The Verge and his blog post on OnePlus forum, it is confirmed that the OnePlus 6 would sport a notch-based screen of 19.616 x 7.687 mm. Although, the screen size is not officially confirmed, Pei said that the smartphone would sport a bigger screen, biggest in the history of OnePlus smartphones.
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